Institute of Dental Sciences

Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics

The primary objective of this department is to preserve the teeth in the mouth. It is equipped with state of art machinery, which includes surgical microscope, latest tooth whitening systems, laser and advance instruments for root canal anatomy.

Patient are treated by highly qualified and trained faculty who provide specialized treatment with compassionate care.

The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics is responsible for educating both under graduates and post graduate dental students.

Undergraduate programme involves pre clinical and clinical courses in restorative dentistry, endodontic and preventive dentistry. Students are expected to be familiar with caries etiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment planning. The undergraduates are also encouraged to participate in research activities as well.

In the beginning of the year 2013 our department opened its door to Post Graduation Programme. P.G.s will be training under highly qualified and research oriented M.D.S. Faculty. Faculty will guide them during complex procedures and scientific research work. P.G.s will be encouraged to participate in both national and international conferences which will widen their horizon in this specialty.


Treatments Offered

  • Composite and GIC restorations

  • Silver amalgam restoration

  • Veneering

  • Bleaching

  • Tooth fracture management

  • Root canal treatment

  • RVG

  • Periapical surgery

  • Laser disinfection

  • Inlays and onlays

  • Re treatment (G.P & Instrument retrieval procedures)

  • Smile design

  • Rotary Endodontics (RCT)

  • Splinting

  • Single visit Endodontics (RCT)

Profiles of faculty members in Department of Conservative and Endodontics


Prof.(Dr.) Shashirekha G.
Professor & HOD

Prof.(Dr.) Sumit Dash

Prof.(Dr.) Lora Mishra

Prof.(Dr.) Debkant Jena

Dr. Maneesha Das
Asso. Professor


Dr. Sanjit Kumar Sahoo
Asso. Professor

Dr. Saswat Satyabrata Nanda
Asso. Professor

Dr. Satabdi Pattanaik
Asst. Professor

Dr. Siba Prasad Jena
Asst. Professor

Dr. Naomi Ranjan Singh
Asst. Professor


Dr. Rini Behera
Asst. Professor

Dr. Suryasnata Nayak
Asst. Professor

Dr. Supriya Das
Asst. Professor

Dr. Deepika Yadav
Asst. Professor

Dr. K. Swapna Kumari